Friday, May 31, 2019
Chris Argyris Case Study Analysis: Organizational Climate Essay
Chris Argyris Case Study Analysis Organizational ClimateMidAmerica Nazarene University offers Organizational Behavior as a class in their adult education program (Courses, 2012) that this author teaches. Subsequently, Chris Argyris, a forerunner in organisational air research (Burke & Weir, 1978) and the discipline itself are of exceptional import to this writer. Argyris expanded on research analysis surrounding previously accepted norms of organizational examination that included the formal, the personality, or the informal levels of analysis, (Argyris, 1958). Moreover, Argyris posited organizational behavior as a living complexity, conveniently defined as the climate of the organization, (p. 502). This paper will examine organizational behavior as it relates to the case arena published in 1958, the contribution of the researchers work, and the influence on the field of organizational psychology. The Case StudyThere is a fundamental reliance between organizations and the wad that make up organizations. Businesses function with a menu of policies and procedures intended to shape the behavior of employees to deliver on goals set forth by the company. Employees have aroused qualities, skill sets, and other abilities that allow them to function in the business environment, Variables affect the organization, creating conflict between the demands of the organization and the needs of the employees. Argyris (1958) described this conflict as organizational behavior, or the climate of the organization, (p. 502). Organizational behavior as a separate analytical category to formal, informal, and personality analysis form the focus of his research. Described as a new and forth level of analysis, (p. 502), Ar... ...g Organizational Climate A Case Study of a Bank. Article. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(4), 501-520. Argyris, C. (1974). Personality vs. organization. Organizational Dynamics, 3(2), 2-17. inside 10.1016/0090-2616(74)90006-0Argyris, C. (1978). Is capitalism the culprit? Organizational Dynamics, 6(4), 20-37. doi 10.1016/0090-2616(78)90050-5Argyris, C. (1985). Strategy, change and defensive routines. Southport PR9 9YF England Pitman Publishing.Burke, R. J., & Weir, T. (1978). Organizational Climate and Informal Helping Processes in Work Settings. Article. Journal of Management, 4(2), 91-105. . Courses. (2012) Retrieved February 5, 2012, from https// Google Scholar. (2012) Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http//,26&sciodt=0,26&hl=en
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed
Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Michael J. OBrien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is a technical deal of evidence to support this view that the fifth century playwright was the educator of his people and a teacher. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches ab bulge out morally in demand(predicate) attitudes and behavior, (4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay w blow explore the role of women in the dramatic play, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex. At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity Explain your mood and purport. Is it apprehensiveness /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave? When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sy mpathy for his subjects Ye sicken all, well wot I, still my pain, /How cracking soever yours, outtops it all. Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus The Meaning of a Masculine Life We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .(21-22) such godlike mastery will be his undoing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it may lead to hubris (74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the godlike mastery of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless characteristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocastas brother, is reversive from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the gods command ... ...ichael J. OBrien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Segal, Charles Paul. Sophocles Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone. In Sophocles A compendium of full of life Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. En glewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. http// new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi Sophocles In literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. in the buffYork Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. Van Nortwick, Thomas. Oedipus The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press, 1998. Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York Penguin Books, 1974. Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King OedSignificance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Michael J. OBrien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is a good deal of evidence to support this view that the fifth century playwright was the educator of his people and a teacher. Sophocles in his trage dy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about morally desirable attitudes and behavior, (4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex. At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity Explain your mood and purport. Is it dread /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave? When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sympathy for his subjects Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, /How great soever yours, outtops it all. Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus The Meaning of a Masculine Life We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .(21-22) such godlike mastery will be his undo ing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it may lead to hubris (74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the godlike mastery of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless characteristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocastas brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the gods command ... ...ichael J. OBrien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Segal, Charles Paul. Sophocles Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone. In Sophocles A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. http// new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi Sophocles In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. Van Nortwick, Thomas. Oedipus The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press, 1998. Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York Penguin Books, 1974.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe: A great American Icon :: essays research papers
Edgar Allan Poes unique, fearless and morbid writing style has influenced literature through fall out the world. He was once titled the "master of the macabre" (Buranelli, 57). One of the aspects in his life with which he struggled was social isolation. He used this as a topic in a number of poems and short stories. Poes life was also filled with periods of fear and irrationality. He had a very sensitive side when it came to the female gender, any char he was ever close to died at an early age. Another of his major battles, actually the only one he really lost, was his struggle with alcoholism. Of all these topics, Poes favorites were the final stage of a beautiful woman, a feeling, which he knew all too well, and the general topic of death. Edgar Allan Poe endured a very difficult life and this is evident in his literary style. Suffering through several periods of fear and irrationality during his life, Poe included those experiences in many of his more famous works. One of these periods involved experiences in joining the soldiers in order to get away from his foster father after the death of his foster mother (Buranelli, 13). These periods of fear and irrationality were the cause of his misfortune and sad social status. His peers for these episodes looked him down upon. Poe expressed this theme throughout almost all of his short stories and poems. "Many of his stories exhibited abnormal states of mind and are constructed in terms of a single mad obsession(Buranelli, 28). His insane ways made his work stand out from the normal short story, or poem. He was able to thingummy his stories and poems around in a way that almost seemed real, and was definitely intriguing. An example of this could be found in the Black Cat(Harrison, 257). The character took the eyes out of the first cat and then killed it. After that he proceeded to "accidentally" kill his wife with an ax, and bury her in a wall. Another example of Poes insanity demo within his works was located in The Tell Tale Heart (Harrison, 555), where Edgar stalked a man and eventually killed him. He then dismembered the body, took out his heart, and interred the man under the house. He later confessed to the police because he believed he could hear the heartbeat of the man.
Declaration of Rights and Sentiments :: essays research papers
Many Americans realized their own oppression as they worked to the end of the institution of slavery. When ii of these women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, were denied the right to sit as delegates at the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London, they were angered to the point of action. Eight years later in Seneca Falls, New York, the frontmost American womens right convention was held. Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented the following declaration. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necesary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a location different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of natures God entitle them, a denet respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should decl are the causes that impel them to such a course.We command these truths to be self-evidentthat all men and women are treated equal that they are endowed by their Creator with the certain inalienabl e rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these right governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends , it is right of those who suffer from it to refuse faithfulness to it, and to insist upon the instituiton of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety device and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes and accordingly all experiences hath shown that mankind are more diisposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolitionist the froms to which they were accustomed.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Advertising in America :: Essays Papers
Advertising in AmericaMost Americans suck excessive thirst to gain wealth and marketers thrive on this. volume dream of making lots of money quickly and without working very hard to get it. another(prenominal) scenario of people wanting to gain wealth is getting something free. Marketers know that when they bare getting something for free or getting money quickly, they will gain the consumers attention. When marketers advertise that there is an amount such as $85 million up for grabs people will easily invest their money no matter what the betting odds argon. People love thinking about bonny a millionaire by spending as little as a buck. An example of an advertisement that helps feast on the consumer willingness to spend money just for the happen to become a millionaire is the Power Ball commercial. The Power Ball advertisement ran on TV saying, sum up a buck power up, is reinforcing the idea that vie the draft gives anchor. How a lot does one hear the chances of winnin g the draftsmanship in the advertisements for the lottery? The fact is that much Americans are brainwashed into believing that risking a dollar does usually give back in huge amounts. The odds of winning the Power Ball wad are 1 in 80,089,128 or .0000012% check to the Pennsylvania Lottery Web Site. Quite a few people spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets each year, not realizing how much money they are losing. They just keep spending their annual dollar a day and do not unconstipated think about the amount of money they have lost over the long period of time. People seem to especially get addicted with grade off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my experience when the prize money is under twenty dollars involving scratch off lottery tickets they often spend it on buying more lottery tickets. Gambling with money is an addiction that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinkingaddictions.There is more money obsession in Ameri ca in any event the lottery, take peoplegetting their tax money back quicker. A new advertisement of H&R close down that has comeout recently is aimed toward tax-payers getting their tax refund back more quickly. The commercial shows a man pulling up to an H&R Block attitude in a minivan with a pregnant char in labor. Screaming, the woman in labor ask furiously why he stopped at the H&R Block office, his response was that he needed to get some quick cash.Advertising in America Essays PapersAdvertising in AmericaMost Americans have excessive desire to gain wealth and marketers thrive on this. People dream of making lots of money quickly and without working very hard to get it. Another scenario of people wanting to gain wealth is getting something free. Marketers know that when they advertise getting something for free or getting money quickly, they will gain the consumers attention. When marketers advertise that there is an amount such as $85 million up for grabs people will e asily invest their money no matter what the odds are. People love thinking about becoming a millionaire by spending as little as a dollar. An example of an advertisement that helps feed on the consumer willingness to spend money just for the chance to become a millionaire is the Power Ball commercial. The Power Ball advertisement ran on TV saying, Add a buck power up, is reinforcing the idea that playing the lottery gives back. How often does one hear the chances of winning the lottery in the advertisements for the lottery? The fact is that many Americans are brainwashed into believing that risking a dollar does usually give back in huge amounts. The odds of winning the Power Ball jackpot are 1 in 80,089,128 or .0000012% according to the Pennsylvania Lottery Web Site. Quite a few people spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets each year, not realizing how much money they are losing. They just keep spending their annual dollar a day and do not even think about the amount of money they have lost over the long period of time. People seem to especially get addicted with scratch off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my experience when the prize money is under twenty dollars involving scratch off lottery tickets they often spend it on buying more lottery tickets. Gambling with money is an addiction that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinkingaddictions.There is more money obsession in America besides the lottery, take peoplegetting their tax money back quicker. A new advertisement of H&R Block that has comeout recently is aimed toward tax-payers getting their tax refund back more quickly. The commercial shows a man pulling up to an H&R Block office in a minivan with a pregnant woman in labor. Screaming, the woman in labor ask furiously why he stopped at the H&R Block office, his response was that he needed to get some quick cash.
Advertising in America :: Essays Papers
Advertising in AmericaMost Americans have excessive desire to gain wealthiness and marketers thrive on this. People dream of fashioning lots of bills quickly and without working very hard to keep it. A nonher scenario of people wanting to gain wealth is acquire something free. Marketers know that when they promulgate getting something for free or getting money quickly, they will gain the consumers attention. When marketers advertise that there is an totality such as $85 million up for grabs people will easily invest their money no matter what the odds are. People manage thinking round becoming a millionaire by expending as little as a dollar. An example of an advertisement that helps feed on the consumer willingness to spend money just for the chance to become a millionaire is the Power Ball moneymaking(prenominal). The Power Ball advertisement ran on TV saying, Add a sprout power up, is reinforcing the idea that playing the draft yields back. How much does one hear t he chances of winning the lottery in the advertisements for the lottery? The fact is that many Americans are brainwash into believing that risking a dollar does usually give back in huge amounts. The odds of winning the Power Ball jackpot are 1 in 80,089,128 or .0000012% according to the Pennsylvania draftsmanship Web Site. Quite a few people spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets each year, not realizing how much money they are losing. They just save up spending their annual dollar a day and do not even think about the amount of money they have lost everywhere the long period of time. People seem to especially get addicted with scratch off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my set out when the prize money is under twenty dollars involving scratch off lottery tickets they often spend it on buying more lottery tickets. Gambling with money is an addiction that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinkingaddictions.There is more mo ney fixing in America besides the lottery, take peoplegetting their revenue money back quicker. A new advertisement of H&R Block that has comeout recently is aimed toward tax-payers getting their tax refund back more quickly. The commercial shows a man pulling up to an H&R Block office in a minivan with a pregnant charr in labor. Screaming, the woman in labor ask furiously why he stopped at the H&R Block office, his response was that he needed to get some quick cash.Advertising in America Essays PapersAdvertising in AmericaMost Americans have excessive desire to gain wealth and marketers thrive on this. People dream of making lots of money quickly and without working very hard to get it. Another scenario of people wanting to gain wealth is getting something free. Marketers know that when they advertise getting something for free or getting money quickly, they will gain the consumers attention. When marketers advertise that there is an amount such as $85 million up for grabs p eople will easily invest their money no matter what the odds are. People love thinking about becoming a millionaire by spending as little as a dollar. An example of an advertisement that helps feed on the consumer willingness to spend money just for the chance to become a millionaire is the Power Ball commercial. The Power Ball advertisement ran on TV saying, Add a buck power up, is reinforcing the idea that playing the lottery gives back. How often does one hear the chances of winning the lottery in the advertisements for the lottery? The fact is that many Americans are brainwashed into believing that risking a dollar does usually give back in huge amounts. The odds of winning the Power Ball jackpot are 1 in 80,089,128 or .0000012% according to the Pennsylvania Lottery Web Site. Quite a few people spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets each year, not realizing how much money they are losing. They just keep spending their annual dollar a day and do not even think about the amo unt of money they have lost over the long period of time. People seem to especially get addicted with scratch off lottery tickets when they when win five, ten or twenty dollars. From my experience when the prize money is under twenty dollars involving scratch off lottery tickets they often spend it on buying more lottery tickets. Gambling with money is an addiction that is notacknowledged in America like smoking or drinkingaddictions.There is more money obsession in America besides the lottery, take peoplegetting their tax money back quicker. A new advertisement of H&R Block that has comeout recently is aimed toward tax-payers getting their tax refund back more quickly. The commercial shows a man pulling up to an H&R Block office in a minivan with a pregnant woman in labor. Screaming, the woman in labor ask furiously why he stopped at the H&R Block office, his response was that he needed to get some quick cash.
Monday, May 27, 2019
House Hold Chores Essay
Children should not have to work or help with household tasks their only responsibility should be to study Helping family with household tasks causes no misemploy to either adult members or children. On the other hand, housekeeping enables children to learn a number of important life skills and to avoid social evils. After crop time, children are able to assist their parents with simple household routines such as tidying their own rooms, cooking simple dishes &washing clothes. Such activities teach children essential knowledge and practical experience for their life.During a holiday cooking competition, the winners are the children who are used to doing household tasks in their families. Another example is involvement in daily chores providing children with numerous lessons learnt time management, awareness of needs, limitations, responsibilities, encouragement them to recognize dos and donts. Requesting/ instructing a child to clean his or her dirty shoes later on coming from school or to clear up the table after meal doesnt mean demand him or her to do a severely business, but instead these need to be done.It is obvious that children attributed their knowledge and fundamental skills to housework aiding and implementing. Furthermore, social evils are completely avoidable by assigning housework to children in their free time. Idle children are an underlying cause of easily engaging in harmful activities such as online games, violent games, fighting and sluice gambling without any consideration. In a family, simple responsibility allocations do not only maintain them occupied but also raise their consciousness.For instances, children go along most of their spare time taking care of flowers around their house leaving them no opportunities to involve in internet games instead educate them to assess and protect nature. The more homework assignments to children, the more knowledge they gain and the less social evils to be addressed. In conclusion, studying is necessary during childhood but participations in household tasks are not bad ideas. Parents give children household chore means giving them valuable chances to experience and protecting them from evils.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice Actu whollyy the Summer Solstice story of he famous Nick Joaquin and the Movie Tatarin was great. huge in the sense that it shows the true meaning of the story that men should aroundtimes be equal to women and women dejection also dominate men in all criteria of living. The quest are some(prenominal) events that are not in the story itself and were added in the movie ? The scene that Amada is dancing the rite in the forest. ? All the racy or bed scenes that are added for the spice of the movie to give some interest for some men ?The rituals they do in the Balete tree that there some kind of vegetables that symbolizes something ? Michaela and Maggie are not originally in the story and also the scene where Maggie is dancing with Guido and seducing him by letting him touch her breast. ? The flashback scene were Don Paeng is reflection the Pareade of St John and Tatarin when he was young ? The scene at the Church were they have a listened the mass ? The women of T atarin dancing with the men of St.John in the forest and I the part the sex scene of Guido and Donya Lupe ? When Donya Lupe put oil in his body and imagining that he is with someone ? The scene were Don Paeng invited Guido while dancing to have some drink There are nothing that has been removed them only added hardly there are some changes of setting Example are ? the place they held the ritual it is said in the book that it is a chapel while in the movie it is in the forest ? originally in the story that Donya Lupe has three boys but in the movie she has two boys only ? he characteristic of Amada was change in the story she is fat but she was presented in the movie by Rica Peralejo who is a sexy woman ? I think one is the place were Do Paeng was beaten by the women of Tatarin In the Story some characters or things that symbolize something the following are some ? The Age of Byron it symbolizes Guido as a conventional man ? The Age of Victoria which symbolizes Paeng as a traditiona l man ? The moon which content the dominance of women The Crocodile it symbolizes the women of Tatarin being strong and wild ? Men kissing the feet of the women means that men adore the women and respect for them ? The sun in symbolizes the men ? Tatarin ritual symbolizes that women can also dominate men sometimes it shows supremacy with women ? St John symbolizes men in the sense that there is somekind of empower ment of men over women ? The saying pagpantay ng araw at buwan mean that it being showed that during these times men can be equal with women
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Importance of Documentation
The Importance of Documentation Documentation Material, printed or electronic, that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record. Why is documentation alpha? Without it there would be no record of anything. Humans have been documenting and recording all told- distinguished(a) information for centuries. Information from inventory lists to details of wars, weather reports, past civilizations, and census data. As a non-commissioned officer having documentation when required is important in many another(prenominal) aspects of my duties at sound and even at home.At work there atomic number 18 medical examination files and profiles, abjure paperwork, amm social unition requests, forms for vehicle repairs, parts requests, dependent documents the list goes on and on but each document is important for its own unique reasons. Without medical files there would be no documentation of injuries or illnesses and what was done to cover up them. What if the issue reo ccurred? A physician would need the details of past treatments and medications to figure what the current treatment should be.A medical profile is an important document for showing test copy of health or injury related limitations or restrictions to avoid causing the issue to worsen. Without properly completed and filed leave paperwork a soldiers leave request would be denied. Other paperwork ignored or improperly completed sens result in mission failure, delayed repairs, etc. Dependent documents atomic number 18 imperative to ensuring eligible family elements pick up the benefits entitled to them. The NCO Creed No one is more than master key than I.I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a noncommissioned officer, I realize that I am a member of a condemnation honored corps, which is known as the Backbone of the soldiery. I am proud of the corps of Noncommissioned Officers and willing at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the military armed service and my state of consider regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, gelt or personal safety. Competence is my watch-word. My two basic responsibilities will always be ppermost in my mind come uponment of my mission and the welfargon of my soldiers. I will strive to remain proficiently and tactically proficient. I am aware of my theatrical role as a noncommissioned officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities innate in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadinghip I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always repose their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as w ell as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve seniors, peers and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking hold action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not result, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders As an NCO, as a leader of soldiers, it is my responsibility to cast the standard.It is my responsibility to be the example and demonstrate that which I watch from my soldiers. Leadership, competence, responsibility, and accountability are the foundation of successful operations within the United States Military. That ability to train, prepare and lead men into combat has been a defining trait of our military for hundreds of years. The importance these skills cannot be underestimated. Leaders apply these skills to ensure a successful mission. Since the revolutionary war, men have been dedicating their lives to the freedom o f our country.These men were part of a team that received orders from leaders just about how to overcome the enemy of the day. Todays enemy is much harder to find, but the skills needed to succeed are easy to found here within the ranks of the United States Military, the thousands of men and women giving their best to lead soldiers. The words of the NCO Creed state clearly the responsibilities of the forces NCO leaders and the importance of these responsibilities is beyond measure. This countrys leaders have been teaching about leadership for quite some time.As General George Washington expressed more than 200 years ago, serving as a Soldier of the United States does not mean giving up being an American citizen with its inherent rights and responsibilities. Soldiers are citizens and should recognize that when in uniform, they represent their units, their Army, and their country. Every Soldier mustiness balance the functions of being a dedicated warrior with obedience to the laws of the Nation. They must function as ambassadors for the country in peace and war. When speaking to officer candidates in 1941, then General of the Army George C.Marshall said, When you are commanding, leading Soldiers under conditions where physical exhaustion and privations must be ignored where the lives of Soldiers may be sacrificed, then, the efficiency of your leadership will depend only to a minor degree on your tactical or technical ability. It will primarily be determined by your character, your reputation, not so much for couragewhich will be accepted as a matter of coursebut by the previous reputation you have established for fairness, for that high-minded patriotic purpose, that quality of unswerving determination to carry through any military task assigned you.Soldiers need to be able to have faith in their command to do what is right for the soldier and the country. Command is about sacred trust. Nowhere else do superiors have to answer for how their subordinates live and act beyond duty hours. Society and the Army look to commanders to ensure that Soldiers and Army civilians receive the proper training and care, uphold expected values, and accomplish assigned missions. Having a good commander is vital for unit cohesion and success. In Army organizations, commanders set the standards and policies for achieving and rewarding superior performance, as well as for punishing misconduct.In fact, military commanders can enforce their orders by force of criminal law. Consequently, it should not come as a surprise that organizations often take on the personality of their commanders. Army leaders selected to command are expected to lead beyond merely example formal authority. They should lead by example and serve as role models, since their personal example and public actions carry tremendous moral force. Soldiers need to work in a positive environment. Many will argue that aggressive leadership inspires more work.While this may be true, the motivating f actors within soldiers of such a leader are going to be less personal than those found within a soldier who respects and values his leaders guidance. How important is character in those trying to lead? The answer is of course that character is the defining element in a successful leader. Three major factors determine a leaders character values, empathy, and the Warrior Ethos. Some characteristics are present at the beginning of the leaders career, while others develop over time through additional education, training, and experience.It is essential to success that Army leaders lead by personal example and consistently act as good role models through a dedicated lifelong effort to learn and develop. The Army cannot accomplish its mission unless all Army leaders, NCOs, soldiers, and civilians accomplish theirs whether that means presenting a medical profile upon request, filling out a status report, repairing a vehicle, planning a budget, packing a parachute, maintaining pay records, o r walking guard duty. The Army consists of more than a single outstanding general or a handful of combat heroes.It relies on hundreds of thousands of dedicated NCOs, soldiers, and civiliansworkers and leaders each doing their part to accomplish the mission. Each of their roles and responsibilities may differ, but they are no less important in reaching the goal. Every leader in the Army is a member of a team, a subordinate, and at some point, a leader of leaders. The Army relies on its NCOs to be capable of executing complex tactical operations, qualification intent driven decisions, and who can operate in joint, interagency, and multinational scenarios.They must take the information provided by their leaders and pass it on to their subordinates. Soldiers look to their NCOs for solutions, guidance, and inspiration. Soldiers can relate to NCOs since NCOs are promoted from the junior enlisted ranks. They expect them to be the buffer, filtering information from the commissioned officer s and providing them with the day-to-day guidance to get the job done. To answer the challenges of the contemporary operating environment, NCOs must train their Soldiers to cope, prepare, and perform no matter what the situation.In short, the Army NCO of today is a warrior-leader of strong character, comfortable in every role outlined in the NCO Corps vision. NCO leaders are responsible for setting and maintaining high-quality standards and discipline. They are the standard-bearers. Throughout history, flags have served as rallying points for Soldiers, and because of their symbolic importance, NCOs are entrusted with maintaining them. In a similar sense, NCOs are also accountable for caring for Soldiers and setting the example for them. NCOs live and work every day with Soldiers.The first people that new recruits encounter when joining the Army are NCOs. NCOs process Soldiers for enlistment, teach basic Soldier skills, and demonstrate how to respect superior officers. Even after tra nsition from civilian to Soldier is complete, the NCO is the key contribute leader and trainer for individual, team, and crew skills at the unit level. NCOs have other roles as trainers, mentors, communicators, and advisors. When junior officers first serve in the Army, their NCO helps to train and mold them. When lieutenants admit mistakes, seasoned NCOs can step in and guide the young officers back on track.Doing so ensures mission accomplishment and Soldier safety while forming professional and personal bonds with the officers based on mutual trust and common goals. Watching each others back is a fundamental step in team building and cohesion. An NCO is a indicate leader, giving leadership that is face-to-face or first-line leadership. This leadership occurs in organizations where subordinates are accustomed to seeing their leaders all the time teams and squads sections and platoons companies, batteries, troops, battalions, and squadrons. The direct leaders span of influence m ay range from a handful to several hundred people.NCOs are in direct leadership positions more often than their officer and civilian counterparts. Direct leaders develop their subordinates one-on-one and influence the organization indirectly through their subordinates. To ensure that I as an NCO, in a direct leadership role, positively influence and guide the soldiers around me, I have the responsibility, the obligation, to convey the example of the ideal soldier. Character, a persons moral and ethical qualities, the ability to determine what is right and gives a leader motivation to do what is appropriate, regardless of the circumstances.An informed ethical scruples consistent with the Army Values strengthens leaders to make the right choices when faced with tough issues. Since Army leaders seek to do what is right and inspire others to do the same, they must embody these values. As a non-commissioned officer having documentation when it is needed is important in many aspects of m y duties at work but more than that it is important for me to set an example for the soldiers looking to me for guidance.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Dont Judge a Book by Its Cover
on that point comes a time in everyones life when they must admit that their parents were right. We do non like to admit it, but the old adages they told us as children are norm comp allowelyy correct, and we t each(prenominal) them to our children. My m different was ada universet approximately teaching me that you should never reckon a set aside by its concealing. Some examples of what she meant are the color of someones skin, the way they dress, the type of political machine they drive, anything that might give false impressions, either both good or bad.For the majority of my life, I had lived by that rule kept it engrained in my mind, but when it came to the hands in my life, well the c all over was everything. When it came to men I was a student of Oscar Wilde who coined the phrase It is only the shallow who do non judge by appearances. I was under the impression that aesthetics were everything. It took me until one day ahead my ordinal birthday to determine that maybe I should apply the saying that Mom taught me, alternatively than the philosophy of Wilde, to every aspect of my life.I now know that it is truer than anything else that aim ever taught me never judge a book by its cover, or you unless might miss a great horizontal surface. The day before my twenty-fifth birthday three of my girl companions and I decided to go out for a pre-birthday celebration. There was a big troupe planned the following night, and we knew that we would non have a pot of time to hang out together. We got all dolled up up and went to our favorite sports bar, Georges. I guess we could be considered regulars, and because of that, we knew a lot of the people there that night.As we sat around our circuit card, listening to music and talking, several(prenominal) people came over to the table to give me birthday wishes since they would non be attending the party the next night. About halfway through the evening, a friend of mine named Chuck came over to s ay hello because we had not seen each other in quite some time. He had been out of town visit family in Huntsville, Texas. He told me that he had brought one of his cousins back to Houston with him to the bar as well as an old friend from high school.I looked over towards his table and saw a man, who, in my opinion, at the time was the most crowing man I had ever laid eyes on. I had to meet him. There was no way around it he was tall, dark, and handsome. He had a smiling that could light up a room. I did not say anything to Chuck nevertheless then, we simply continued our conversation, and I made sure to remind him of the party the following evening. He promised he would come. All the while I hoped that he would come his friend or cousin. I was not sure in time which he was, but I would soon find out.Sometime after(prenominal) midnight, it was officially my birthday, and I decided that my present to myself would be to meet that handsome stranger. I walked over to Chucks table and introduced myself to the other gentlemen. I right away learned that the man whom I thought was so handsome was Alex, Chucks cousin, and the other man was get dressed, Chucks friend from high school. We talked for a while and I invited them all to the party later that night. I made sure they all had my number in case they needed directions and bade them good night. I fair(a) knew that Alex would show up and be my next beau.The next evening I got a call from Don, which was not the call that I had been anticipating, he was asking for directions and state that he was coming with Chuck, but they had not heard from Alex. I was a little disappointed, but was excited about the party, so I did not let it get me down. When Don and Chuck arrived, I was shocked to see that Don came in with two dozen long stemmed white roses. Happy natal day Beautiful you are even more better-looking than the flowers that I asseverate for you and he kissed me on my cheek. I felt speechless but somehow m anaged to rag a quiet Thank you so much, they are amazing. Once he had given me the flowers, Don and Chuck went to find a seat and I remained immobilize in mine. I talked to my friends that were with me the previous night, and one asked Where is Alex? I have no idea. I verbalise. Those flowers are incredible Where did you get them? my friend Becky asked. Don, the friend of Chucks that I met last night at Georges. The flowers are beautiful, and he told me I was too, I cant believe this, he likes me. I dont know what to do he is so prissy but dependable not my type.Hes shorter than most guys I date and he is not slim and trim the way I usually like my boyfriends what am I going to do? I guess I will just smile and be nice and think about it tomorrow. I said to my friends and we continued with the party. I never saw Alex that night and never got a prognosticate call from him either. I looked at the flowers all day Sunday and could not get past how much Don was not my type bu t yet so very sweet. Don called me on Monday to say hi and give thanks me for inviting him to my party. He had really enjoyed himself. Finally, he asked if I wanted to go to Georges and tolerate he basketball game on Tuesday night. I was torn, he was nice enough, but I did not want to lead him on because he was not my type, it would never work. I decided to go and see what would happen after some good natured ribbing from my friends about world conceited and mean. I am so glad that my friends did pick on me and make me regret being shallow because I ended up very serendipitous. I soon rear out that Don was the nicest man I had ever met. After spending some time with him his looks were not of consequence anymore, in fact they had grown on me in a way I never expected they would. ever so since that Tuesday night we have been together and are now married with two beautiful daughters. Once we kissed, that man whom I had once considered a frog quickly turned into a Prince and I was blessed to become his princess. I should have listened to my catch all those years ago and applied the saying to never judge a book by its cover to everything in my life I may have saved myself some heartache. Thanks Mom for instilling determine in me and keeping in the back of my mind, never judge a book by its cover you might miss a great story or in my case, a fairytale.Dont Judge a Book by Its CoverThere comes a time in everyones life when they must admit that their parents were right. We do not like to admit it, but the old adages they told us as children are normally correct, and we teach them to our children. My mother was adamant about teaching me that you should never judge a book by its cover. Some examples of what she meant are the color of someones skin, the way they dress, the type of car they drive, anything that might give false impressions, either both good or bad.For the majority of my life, I had lived by that rule kept it engrained in my mind, but when it came t o the men in my life, well the cover was everything. When it came to men I was a student of Oscar Wilde who coined the phrase It is only the shallow who do not judge by appearances. I was under the impression that aesthetics were everything. It took me until one day before my twenty-fifth birthday to determine that maybe I should apply the saying that Mom taught me, rather than the philosophy of Wilde, to every aspect of my life.I now know that it is truer than anything else that Mother ever taught me never judge a book by its cover, or you just might miss a great story. The day before my twenty-fifth birthday three of my girlfriends and I decided to go out for a pre-birthday celebration. There was a big party planned the following night, and we knew that we would not have a lot of time to hang out together. We got all dressed up and went to our favorite sports bar, Georges. I guess we could be considered regulars, and because of that, we knew a lot of the people there that night.A s we sat around our table, listening to music and talking, several people came over to the table to give me birthday wishes since they would not be attending the party the next night. About halfway through the evening, a friend of mine named Chuck came over to say hello because we had not seen each other in quite some time. He had been out of town visiting family in Huntsville, Texas. He told me that he had brought one of his cousins back to Houston with him to the bar as well as an old friend from high school.I looked over towards his table and saw a man, who, in my opinion, at the time was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. I had to meet him. There was no way around it he was tall, dark, and handsome. He had a smile that could light up a room. I did not say anything to Chuck just then, we simply continued our conversation, and I made sure to remind him of the party the following evening. He promised he would come. All the while I hoped that he would bring his friend or cousin. I was not sure yet which he was, but I would soon find out.Sometime after midnight, it was officially my birthday, and I decided that my present to myself would be to meet that handsome stranger. I walked over to Chucks table and introduced myself to the other gentlemen. I quickly learned that the man whom I thought was so handsome was Alex, Chucks cousin, and the other man was Don, Chucks friend from high school. We talked for a while and I invited them all to the party later that night. I made sure they all had my number in case they needed directions and bade them good night. I just knew that Alex would show up and be my next beau.The next evening I got a call from Don, which was not the call that I had been anticipating, he was asking for directions and said that he was coming with Chuck, but they had not heard from Alex. I was a little disappointed, but was excited about the party, so I did not let it get me down. When Don and Chuck arrived, I was shocked to see that D on came in with two dozen long stemmed white roses. Happy Birthday Beautiful you are even more beautiful than the flowers that I hold for you and he kissed me on my cheek. I felt speechless but somehow managed to muster a quiet Thank you so much, they are amazing. Once he had given me the flowers, Don and Chuck went to find a seat and I remained stunned in mine. I talked to my friends that were with me the previous night, and one asked Where is Alex? I have no idea. I said. Those flowers are incredible Where did you get them? my friend Becky asked. Don, the friend of Chucks that I met last night at Georges. The flowers are beautiful, and he told me I was too, I cant believe this, he likes me. I dont know what to do he is so nice but just not my type.Hes shorter than most guys I date and he is not slim and trim the way I usually like my boyfriends what am I going to do? I guess I will just smile and be nice and think about it tomorrow. I said to my friends and we continued with the party. I never saw Alex that night and never got a phone call from him either. I looked at the flowers all day Sunday and could not get past how much Don was not my type but yet so very sweet. Don called me on Monday to say hi and thank me for inviting him to my party. He had really enjoyed himself. Finally, he asked if I wanted to go to Georges and watch he basketball game on Tuesday night. I was torn, he was nice enough, but I did not want to lead him on because he was not my type, it would never work. I decided to go and see what would happen after some good natured ribbing from my friends about being conceited and mean. I am so glad that my friends did pick on me and make me regret being shallow because I ended up very serendipitous. I soon found out that Don was the nicest man I had ever met. After spending some time with him his looks were not of consequence anymore, in fact they had grown on me in a way I never expected they would.Ever since that Tuesday night we have bee n together and are now married with two beautiful daughters. Once we kissed, that man whom I had once considered a frog quickly turned into a Prince and I was blessed to become his princess. I should have listened to my mother all those years ago and applied the saying to never judge a book by its cover to everything in my life I may have saved myself some heartache. Thanks Mom for instilling values in me and keeping in the back of my mind, never judge a book by its cover you might miss a great story or in my case, a fairytale.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
International Business Essay
Q.2 a) Evaluate the different ways in which Bata has interacted with foreign policy-making systems in its investments and operations abroad. autonomic nervous system Multinational enterprises (MNEs) like Bata must operate in countries with different political and legal conditions, so the political impact on the foreign investments is truly importationant. This account explains this issue based on the Bata case in three parts. The first part evaluates the different ways in which Bata has interacted with foreign political systems in its investments and operations aboard. In the second part, the advantages and disadvantages, which MNEs bring to their fraternity and the host- ground when doing foreign direct investment, are analyzed relating to the Bata case. And the last part gives a detailed analysis of the complex political impact on international business with reference to the political environment in general also supply the way of formulating effective political strategy.* Bat as effective organizational structure and managing style With activities in 60 countries, Canada-based Bata Shoe Organization has much operational experience both in developed countries and development countries and plenty deal with different political systems. It has an effective organization structure, which consists of Bata Limited located in Toronto, Canada, acts as headquarters of the operating companies. Regional offices exist in Toronto, Mexico City, Singapore, Paris, Calcutta and Harare. The International structure a decentralized organization, where operating companies are independent businesses, supported by a global management team. Private Ownership Bata slip organization companies have also entered into a number of joint ventures, retail franchising and brand licensing agreements 1. By and large(p) Batas operations are independent units open in each country where the firm does business. As such, Bata is able to decentralize control of its political strategygivin g subsidiaries significant autonomy in managing relations with their respective government. b) Should Pizza army hut put more of its efforts in expanding in brazil-nut tree or somewhere in South East Asia? Why? autonomic nervous system Pizza Hut, one of the most popular food chains, opened their 10000Th shops in the Brazilian commercialise in 1994. Pizza Huts parent company is PepsiCo. PepsiCo was trying to penetrate in Brazilian market in various ways. However, the path was not as easy as assumed. Pizza Hut approach decline in the Brazilian market. Experts said that there were two probable reasons for this. One is Pizza Huts less successful introduction of refreshful products and the second is the low price strategy of the competitors.However, Pizza Hut had a high hope to make Brazils their second or third major market because Brazil had many location specific advantages like urbanization, size, population, Gross National Product etc. Brazil endured erratic political situatio ns since 1964. After a considerable military dictatorship, a stable political reformation was done by the year 1997.Economically Brazil has a mixed history as well. It has a very good economic potential. It has access to several natural resources and well knit infrastructures. However, inflation affected the economy very badly. Pizza Hut entered in Brazil in 1988, during the period of high inflation.It followed the practice of corporate franchise. Later, Pizza Hut bought some of the franchises. But still different problems arose like- difference in civilisations, cost of maintaining large pool of employees and of course inflation. Gradually, the inflation rate of Brazil normalized. People made more informed decisions and Pizza Hut began to flourish. However, in 1995, sales of Pizza Hut dropped. As a mean of counterattack, Pizza Hut took two different strategies. One was to cut the price by 25% and another was to announce various sales re slowlyd decisions by mingling with local cu ltures like Samba dance. But both of the plans failed miserably. In these ways, Pizza Hut struggled to succeed in the Brazilian market.Q.3 a) what factors threaten Indias future competitive positions in cashew tree nut productions? ANS Since the opening of Chinas doors to world trade in the late 90s, it has become an emerging super power. Hence, China may be a threat to Indias current competitive position in the cashew nut production because it is also capable to support cashew processing with its abundance of human resources, low-wage rates, and possible training in the manual politeness mandatory in the premium cashew nut production. China is currently engaging in new markets and providing cheap manual labor to other manufacturing.With this, China can see that the increasing profitable cashew nut industry and decide to enter it because it has the cap powerfulness to do so. Moreover, the current formulation of the European Union (EU) provides that its members run through trade barriers for imports and exports between each other may be a possible threat to Indias United Kingdom market. Since the UK can virtually import anything from its neighboring countries without any cost, it might affect the accept of cashew nuts the Europeans may divert their attention from cashew nuts to other products popular in its neighboring countries. Indias competitiveness could also be threatened by the increased Research and Development improvement that countries worldwide are engaging in nowadays. Brazilians (Indias most prominent competitor in the cashew nut industry) may possibly find machinery that can be substituted for the needed hand dexterity for the flavor that Indias cashew nut has.b) Should the United States seek to tighten the economic grip on cube? If so, how should it be done? ANS U.S. should not seek to tighten economic grip on Cuba as it is already a weak economy as compared to U.S. delinquent to the political environment of the country for the past few dec ades. For U.S. industries and companies Cuba is a very potential market. Also the workforce is efficient, so there is a possibility of efficient labor at spurn cost for U.S. industries. Also, other countries of the world started favoring Cuba and also doubted the rationale of U.S. on imposing the embargo.1. Attitude An spatial relation may be defined as a intimate disposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable way with respect to a given object (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000). Stated differently, it positions sight into a frame of mind of liking or disliking things, of moving toward or away from them (Kolter and Armstrong, 2008 p144). It is acknowledged that tidy sum have attitudes toward almost everything religion, politics, clothes, music, food (Kotler, 2003).For instance The demand for animation restitution policy in a country may be affected by the unique culture of the country to the extent that it affects the populations risk aversion (Douglas and Wild avski, 1982). Henderson and Milhouse (1987) argue that an individuals religion can provide an insight into the individuals behaviour and understanding religion is an substantial component of understanding a nations unique culture. Also, Zelizer (1979) notes that religion historically has provided a strong source of cultural opposition to life insurance as many religious stack believe that a reliance on life insurance results from a distrust of Gods protect care. But historically, some form of neighborly insurance existed in Nigerian and Africa society long before the introduction of the modern insurance in Nigeria (Osoka, 1992).These social schemes evolved through the existence of extended family system and social associations such as age grades, and other unions. The simplest form of the social insurance was practiced by kernel of providing cash donations, materials or sometimes organized collective labour to assist members of extended family and members of social or communal a ssociations who suffer a mishap.2. Lack of fellowship of Insurance Culture In a recent study of quality of life in developing countries with reference to South Africa (Moller, 2004), income and social security (own wages, ability to provide for family, insurance against illness/death and income in old age) have been treated as one of the major indicators of quality of life. This standpoint stresses the significance of insurance to human life. Ironically, insurance work seem not to have been so accepted enthusiastically in developing countries. The abysmal level of insurance culture in developing economies has attracted relative interests among researchers and practitioners alike. Risk has been identified as a central fact of life in the rural areas of less-developed countries (Udry, 1994). Some of the problems associated with this have been marketing. For example, Omar (2005) assesses consumersattitudes towards life insurance patronage in Nigeria and found out that there is lack o f trust and confidence in the insurance companies. Other major reason for this attitude is lack of knowledge about life insurance product.3. Low Level of Education Educational status of Nigerians has significant influence on their attitude towards insurance. amend people have more positive attitude to insurance than less educated ones. In a recent insurance conducted in Lagos, Nigeria. The choice of Lagos is due to its nature as a metropolitan city where most Nigerian ethnic groups are largely represented. Fact shows that respondents with higher education outperformed others even though no statistical significant difference was ob military serviced with vocational education.4. Unemployment Issue Employees working status has a significance effect on Nigerians attitude towards insurance. Retired and industrious Nigerians with means attitude scores of 28.50 and 28.14 respectively outperformed their competitors. No significant difference was observed between retired, employed and Self- employed respondents. On the other hand, self-employed people have significantly higher attitude towards insurance than unemployed, student and part time workers. This result is quite similar to findings in most developed world.In Conclusion, The findings of this study suggest some major implications for marketing of insurances services in Nigerian businesses environment which is a big market. Given that attitude is strongly relate to behaviour, marketers of insurance services targeting Nigerians are confronted with the challenge of encouraging people to embrace insurance institution and its associated benefits. Based on the findings, this article confirms negative attitudes of Nigerians to insurance services further.But apart from this broad finding in respect of the negative attitudes to this line of business, this study suggests some specific findings based on different demographical factors of the respondents. The findings serve as inputs to marketers of insurance services on h ow they formulate and implement relevant marketing strategies towards addressing the nonchalant attitude of Nigerians to insurance. For instance, specific marketing strategies are required to hike the young generation below 46 years of age, the divorced/separated, and the less-educated to embrace and appreciate the role of insurance. Since, the basic issue associated with this lack of interest rests mainly in their lack of appreciation of the roles of benefits of insurance services it is recommended that significant marketing communication activities with instant compensation to both marketers be targeted more at this set of people highlighted. This will help to kindle their interest in the business and brings the insurance institution to the highly exalted position it belongs in their perception.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Economical Effect of Michael Jordan
I had originally planned to write a paper on Michael Jordans economical effect on todays sports in America. I had even researched and written two pages before I stopped and concreteized that I would bid to preferably discuss Michael Jordans life and mystical career. Over the last twenty years Michael Jordan has captivated and awed me with his brilliant achiever both on and off the basketball court. I have wanted for some time to write about him and try to rationalize his seemingly unbelievable life and this paper has given me a chance.The legend began in 1981 with seventeen seconds left on the clock and seventeen feet between Michael and the basket. It was a shot any coach drawing up a run away for a talented player for the final shot would die for. He knocked it in and normality Carolina had its first National championship. Even though North Carolina had the best college player in the country in James Worthy and other great(p) stars in Sam Perkins and Matt Doherty, it was t he scrawny freshman who had suffer on the scene that year to become the first Carolina freshman to forever start that took the biggest shot in the programs history.It was Michael Jordan who was the man that night and he was determined any consciously or unconsciously to never let anyone question who the man is again. Michael went on to become two-time national college player of the year and in 1999, was voted the sterling(prenominal) college basketball player ever. (CNN/Sports Illustrated) After his junior year, having accomplished everything feasible for a college player, Michael decided to turn professional. (He later completed his degree taking brotherhoodmer tame courses) besides first he would go on to dominated the 1984 Olympics and lead the United States to the gold medal.It could be left up to Spanish Olympian Fernando Martin to sum up the Michael Jordan phenomenon, circa 1984. Michael Jordan? he asked. Jump, jump, jump. Very quick. Very fast. Very, very good. Jump, jump, jump. No NBA scouting report could have been to a greater extent pertinent. By the time Michael detonated on the league in 1984, he had sprouted from a precocious and exciting young talent into a full-fledged human event.As his rookie season marched on, Jordan upstaged proven giants same Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Dr. J. and already was becoming the first player to transcend team affiliation on the road. Fans didnt come out to see their hometown heroes beat the Bulls they bought tickets to watch Michael Jordan fly. In his rookie year Michael averaged an astonishing 28. 2 points per game (third overall) and was selected to the all-star game. He also led the team to the playoffs for the first time in four years. A drive he would continue to ensure every year of his career. It was in his second year that Jordans bitter relationship with Bulls general manager Jerry Krause and owner Jerry Reinsdorf began.Michael had broken his origination three games into the season and ha d spent the next months rehabilitating in order to come back as soon as potential. When he was finally healthy to play the Bulls record was 24-43. Michael believed that the team could still commence the playoffs and was excited for the challenge. Krause and Reinsdorf had other humors. They wanted to keep Michael from playing so that they could keep losing and secure a place in the draft lottery. To someone as competitive as Michael Jordan, this idea was simply sinful.It meant that the people who employed him were not as committed to winning as he was, that they accepted the idea of defeat as he did not, and that they were wiling to bag the current season and any chance at the playoffs in order to improve their bun for the future. Even on a bad team with marginal players like the early Bulls, the remarkable thing about Michael Jordan was that he never accepted the idea of defeat. He believed that as long as he played, the Bulls could make the playoffs, and that if he got there, he could carry them on to victory.Management finally did let him play and the Bulls did make the playoffs where they faced the best team in the league, the Boston Celtics. It was the stage that Michael lived for and he took full advantage. Although the Bulls were swept by the eventual champions, Michaels fame and notoriety had a quantum increase afterward the series. No one was really prepared for what happened. In the first game Michael came out blistering and scored forty-nine points. A great performance against the top vindicatory team in the league, alone not extraordinary.In the second game Michael performed at a playoff level that no one had witnessed before. The CBS sports broadcast seemed more like a personal highlight reel than an actual game. By the end of the double overtime war, hed hit for 63 points, the most points ever scored in playoff history. Celtic Danny Ainge later said, We knew when we had gone into the game that he was very good, but none of us knew yet that h e was going to be the best player who ever laced up sneakers, but we were in the process of learning it, and that afternoon was a good beginning.Perhaps Larry Bird, the MVP of the league at the time, put it best, That was theology disguised as Michael Jordan. In his rookie year Michael already had become one of the top product endorser in the league. He had charactered a then unheard of contract with Nike that paid him $250,000 a year for five years with an annuity, incentives, and royalties on all Nike basketball related items. Michael had originally wanted to sign with Addidas even if they offered him less money than Nike, but Nike threw in the kicker. They offered to name a shoe after him.The first Air Jordan shoe was a high-top bare and red shoe. Three games into the season, the NBA did Michael and Nike a huge favor. The league banned the shoe because it didnt conform to the rest of the Bulls uniform. Michael continued to wear the shoe and the league subsequently fined him $ 5,000 a game. Nike didnt blink. They paid every penny and Michael continued to wear the shoe. It would have cost millions of dollars to come up with a promotion that produced as much publicity as the leagues ban did.The first commercial showed Jordans head, and the camera slowly moved down his body to his feet. When the camera hit the shoes a big X was stamped on the screen and the announcer said, Banned. After that sales went crazy. But it was Michaels third year when his remarkable qualities where able to be portrayed through the television. Nike had hired a dwarfish known film producer named Spike Lee to direct Michael in commercials. The commercials that they make together were able to show Michaels innate charm and wit, and his obvious confidence.He knew who he was and liked who he was. There was nothing threatening about him. He was judgmental- you had to win his respect, and he was clearly shrewd about how he was used- but there was an innate coolness and elegance about him. If this was not yet expressed in anything he said, it was self evident in the smile, in the skilled facial gestures, in the ability to roll his eyebrows at just the right moment. He was good looking, he was likable, he had that luminescent smile, and he was the greatest basketball player in the world.The Nike commercials were so good, that they fed on themselves and inspired other companies such as McDonalds, Coke, Hanes, Gatorade, Wilson, and Ballpark Franks among many others to do comparable commercials. And so it was that a true American icon was born. Michael continued for the next three years to grow in both his basketball achievements and his fame. Michael won every single idiosyncratic basketball award possible and was already considered one of the best players in the history of the game. And outside of basketball the public became more and more fond of him.But in his mind and the mind of many others, Michael was missing something. A championship. For years Michael had car ried a seemingly inferior team to the brink, only to succumb to either the great Celtic teams of the early 80s, or the great Pistons, led by Isaah Thomas, in the late 80s. But in 1991 the basketball world could no longer block off Michael Jordans destiny. After the first championship against the Lakers and Magic Johnson, Michaels fame again skyrocketed. He went from being the most celebrated athlete in America to being the most famous person in America.By the time Michael had claimed his third championship in a row, his notoriety transcended not only sports but American culture. He was emphatically the most well known human on the planet. More famous in many distant parts of the globe than the President of The United States. American journalists and diplomats on assignment to the most rural parts of Asia and Africa were often stunned when they visited small villages to find young children wearing tattered replicas of Michael Jordans Bulls jersey. Michael Jordans life from 1980 to 1993 was that of a storybook.The success that he achieved in that short time frame quit possibly is unparallel in American history. But at the same time it seemed possible by a very unique and gifted individual. However, the events that occurred in Michael Jordans life from 1994-1999, in my and many others opinion, at times do not seem possible and in fact almost immortal. You could almost get a sense watching him over the years that you were not in fact witnessing a real story, but one made of fiction. As if all the major media sources in the world got together and decided to concoct this seemingly unbelievable human that never seems to fail.To put the success that Michael Jordan achieved in the last six years in the proper perspective would significantly increase the length of this paper so I would like to instead let some well known others describe Michael Jordan. Harry Edwards, a sociologist at the University of California, talks about Jordan representing the highest level of h uman achievement, on the order of Gandhi, Einstein, or Michelangelo. If, he added, he were in charge of introducing an alien being to the epitome of human potential, creativity, perseverance, and spirit, I would introduce that alien life to Michael Jordan.Doug Collins, at once spoke of Jordan belonging to that rarest category of people who are so far above the norm, men like Einstein and Edison, that they were identifiable geniuses. Jordans talented teammate B. J. Armstrong, foil in his early years with the Bulls by his failure to rise to Jordans level and apparent expectations, had gone to the library and checked out a series of books on geniuses to see if there was anything he might learn about how to deal with Jordan.Hes gods child, teammate Wes Matthews said in Jordans first year. And there were a number of players more talented than Matthews who agreed. Jesus in Nikes, in the words of Jayson Williams of the Nets. After Jordan led the Bulls to their second title, Larry bird sa id that there had never been an athlete like Jordan. I think author Scott Turow says it best, Michael Jordan plays basketball better than anyone else in the world does anything else.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Oras Na: Documentary Reaction Paper Essay
Oras Na, a GMA News and Public Affairs environmental documentary hosted by Richard Gutierrez gave us a 60 minute view of how our genius looks resembling in this new generation. Every minute, every hour of our own life, and the uses of out natural options, this documentary placeed us what we need to know our natures deadline.Experts gave deadlines to our expanses natural resources. In 2025, trees in the forests of our country may possibly be g wizard. Same in this year, we will be suffering from lower-ranking supply of clean water in the country. We could also suffer in low supply of fogy fuels in 2030. And in 2050, theres no more fishes to beat. Ive learned intimately the four main difficulty that we and the country will be facing in the future.One of the problem in the country is about the marine resources. It is shown in the documentary that theres 7 billion populate in the whole word who needs to eat and 90 million of the number is in the Philippines. 70% of the Filipin os argon having fish and sea foods as their daily food. And one of the biggest natural resources we aim on earth is the sea which covers 77% of the planet. Fifty decades before is when we are fond of having plenty of aquatic resources. In Navotas Fish Port biggest fish carriage in the country and one of the biggest in Asia, 400 tons of fish are delivered per day, it looks like its quiet a large number of deliveries alone it doesnt, compared to the tons of fishes delivered twenty years ago. One of the University in Canada tell that non even before the year 2050, there are some places in the country which experiencing the loss numbers of fishes.Big fishes like tuna returns its numbers also. It is said that 10% from their original numbers way back fifty years ago is what we have now. During 1970s & 1980s, 150 tons of tuna were delivered in General Santos Fish Port, which is the biggest tuna port in the world, and now it is down to only 50 tons. Because of this, Western and Cult ural Pacific Fisheries Commission ordered to have a Tuna Ban which prohibits wide fishing of tunaand only use hand line instrument of fishing on big part of the international waters. By this order, some fishers are forced to grab fish/tuna where it is prohibited like in Indonesia.The reason for this lessen number of fishes was studied by the UP leatherneck Science Institute. In the seven of the most productive fishing resource in the Philippines, it shows that the number of the fishers are over 50% compared to the seas capacity to increase the number of fish. Dr. Perry Alio, a professor in UP Marine Science Institute, said that an another(prenominal) reason is because 80-90% are overfish and some species are slowly being extinct in some areas which can happen and is already happening for some species right now. As the population in the country increases, the demand of fish as food also increases. As well as many fishes are being catch even though they are too small and too young to be sold in the public, not getting the chance to give birth to another specie. According to experts, the solution for this decreasing number of fishes is to reduce the fishing effort by 50%, for we are twice as its capacity to accommodate.Second problem in our country is having plenty supply of water. The cleanliest river in the country can be seen in Pandan, Antique. It gives water supply to over 3, 000 households in their town. And this kind of cleanliness in water can be seen in the rivers in our country way back Spanish time, even the Pasig river was said to be that clean. Water shortage can be experience right now in some places in Tawi-Tawi like Sitangkai which is the furthest island in the country, and in Bongao. In Tubigan, Bicol, people dig underground to have supply from the ground water and after 4 years, they will find other places to have their water supply as well as in Brgy.Bangkulasi, Navotas which their water is trusted to a water truck from other place. Water i s the problem to this some places unless there will come a time that it would be everyones problem according to Philippine Water Monitor of manhood Bank, year 2025, well be experiencing a fresh water crisis. But before that, according to Pacific Institute for Studies and Development, Environment and Security, year 2020, estimated 77 million people in the world, mostly children will die because of diseases gain from contaminated water especially the ground water which is the main source ofwater because of pollution.Third is the decreasing number of trees in the forest. The old growth tress which are aged hundreds can be gone in just an hour by slipperiness and if this will still continue, we can no longer see it by year 2020. Way back 1870s, Philippines was covered by 70% of the forest but now the country has only 8% from its original number of forest cover. The reason is deforestation. Deforestation evaluate is directly proportional with population rate. By doing deforestation for our different needs and demands in the society and continuously cutting of trees, forests can be erase in the map by 2025. In Northwest Panay Peninsula, this problems starts to show where mountains of trees are put into fire to have a coal production and to plant crops. In Surigao del Norte, other part of the forest are used for mining.Lastly, about the Fossil Fuel supply. There are three sources of energy in the country coal, natural gas and oil or fossil fuel. It was said that fossil fuel production started to decrease last 2012, which is three years before. According to International Energy Agency, we will experience 5 out of 10% of decrease rate production until 2030 where theres no more fossil fuel to supply energy in the country. In this state, experts are finding alternative supply of energy like solar powers, wind mills, geothermal power and hydroelectric power.These problems was stated in the documentary and therefore became a way to consecrate the minds of the people to be more attentive on their society. Nature, as how much it helps our lives also have their limits when it comes to the resources. And we, people, should also have the limit in using them and cognition on how to use them in a right way. I, myself, was shocked to see how some of the places in our country is suffering from this problems and thinking that I am one of the lucky yet people whos living with the resources and not minding any problem with those. Watching the documentary, I recalled how my parents always told me to waste water, food, and paper when I was a kid. And now I fully understand whats that supposed to mean. That I, in that small way can help to slow down the decreasing rate of the natural resources we have.Documentaries always give its audience a learning in the end, and this one, Oras Na, is saying the people should at least conserve water and energy, lessen the patrimonial of fishes, and stop the cutting of trees. Since we are living in an urban and centralize d place, which we are one lucky people, we are not yet experiencing this problems unlike the places have on the documentary, so it is easy for us to waste every time and opportunity that we are wasting any of these natural resources. As what Ive said in the second paragraph, each are having their deadlines. And the deadlines set is going near. We should start taking care of what we have which we must have done before, before we rue and suffer from itself.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Pros and Cons of Four Day School Week Essay
* Shortening the school calendar week put up address budget deficits and save teachers who would have to be laid off otherwise. In the case of gibber County, Georgia, the district either needed to slim down the school week or cut 39 teachers from the men in the 2009 to 2010 school year, according to Fox News. Shaving a day from the school week saves specie without sacrificing teaching talent. This approach hands sense if a district faces short-term budgetary difficulties and knows that teachers are needed long-term to support the system. check Difficulty Finding Childcare* Cutting the week to four days places supererogatory pressure on working parents, who need to arrange childcare for younger children on their days off. daycare is expensive, and frequently focuses to a greater extent on keeping children safe and entertained rather than teaching them. A fewer districts try to alleviate these problems by providing support for families who cant reign or afford care. nigh district-sponsored programs even offer tutoring services.Pro Encouraging Responsibility and Independence* Having a day off from classes doesnt necessarily mean getting a day off from schoolwork. Schools can modify their curricula to assign more individual, take-home projects that students complete on their days off. Giving students more independent work encourages the development of research skills, problem-solving skills and cartridge holder management abilities. Having the extra day alike gives students more time to study on their own, allowing them to demand at their own pace and use a method of their choice to absorb new information.Con Not Enough Face Time* While some children work well on their own, others bear from less classroom instruction and teacher assistance. Marlow, Oklahomas school district superintendent express that the school would move back to five-day weeks after the school tried a four-day schedule to save on operating be. Compressing content forces stude nts to work at an accelerated pace that some cant handle. Many students learn best with guidance and support, and concerned parents sometimes report that reduced classroom time hinders their childrens progress. deal more The Pro & Cons for a Four-Day School Week http// Savings, Wages confounded* A March 2010 article in The Wall Street Journal reports that budget shortfalls are often the driving force behind a four-day school week. The article cites a school in debaucher County, Georgia, that was able to save $200,000 by shortening its school week. Schools save money on items like gas, utilities, viands and substitute teachers. However, these cost nest egg can also result in reduced hours for workers like autobus drivers, cooks and janitors. According to The Wall Street Journal, hourly workers can lose as much as 20 percent of their income.Academic Performance* Research is mixed on the impact of a four-day school week on academic performance. A Time article from August 2008 reports that a Kentucky school with a pint-sized week drastically improved its ranking for standardized tests, moving from 111th in the state to 53rd. The school took the savings it realized and put the money back into educational programs. With one less day of school, student absenteeism has also been found to decline. Opponents of the shortened school week claimed in the Time article that students in the United States already lag behind students in Europe and Asia who attend more school. With a longer weekend, some headache that students are more likely to forget what they have learned. Students with special needs or those who are at-risk whitethorn especially bring forth it difficult to retain information.Long Days* To meet the states prerequisite for school hours, districts that move to four-day school weeks will add more hours to the school day and also shorten breaks for recess and lunch. Th is results in students spending longer days at school and in the classroom. According to the internal Conference of State Legislators, this can be exhausting, especially for younger students. Longer days also make it more difficult for students to participate in extracurricular activities. However, the extra day off is often utilise as time for students to undergo tutoring, see the doctor or dentist, work a part-time job, be with their families or take part in school activities.Childcare and Family Time* Many parents will be at work when their child is off from school on a Monday or Friday. This leaves the parent to find childcare during the week or make arrangements for a kid who is home, possibly resulting in additional costs for the parents. A longer schedule can also mean the student arrives home at the alike(p) time as the parent. In this case, parents may actually not have a need to find after-school care or leave their children alone at home until they get off work.Read mo re Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Report on Pizza Hut Essay
During the preceding(a) four decades pizza pie chanty has built a reputation for excellence that has earned the respect of consumers and industry experts alike. Building a leading pizza pie club has required relent slight(prenominal) innovation, commitment to bore and dedication to customer divine dish out and value. The qualities of entrepreneurship, growth and leadership keep characterized pizza field hutchs c whollying through much than four decades of success. Through the strength of its heritage, its civilisation and its passel and franchisees, pizza pie chanty looks forward to more success in future.There be divergent objectives of every transcription. In bon ton to progress to these objectives various targets atomic number 18 qualify. Targets pass down the hierarchy depending on the nature of the moving in. Therefore, in narrate to achieve the objectives, management decides on polar st targetgies. These strategies argon divided into more sub-parts and are helpful for the running of the descent. The employees and the management k straight off what they wear to achieve through the targets which overhear been represent to them and the strategies they defy get intoed help them know the way they impart achieve the objectives.Similarly, pizza pie hutch has different targets set to them and they have adopt different strategies to successfully achieve the targets set. These targets are set by the RSC i. e. the wash upery support nubble in Karachi. These targets are passed on to the RGM (restaurant general manager) and he passes them to the workforce. These targets f both within the organizational structure in which in that location are many people who have different targets to achieve. In order to successfully achieve the targets they need to co-operate and work in a friendly environment. contri thoe of concern Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan rogue 4 bailiwick and selling Strategies of pizza pie army hut HISTORY OF pizza pie About pizza, Some go forth tell you Italy. Thats wrong. What you know as pizza came into vogue nearly the time of Napoleon and the cut revolution. Italians, known to be lovers of fine viands and wines perfected and imported this terrific dish to America. From here it right away endeared itself to mass harvest-festivalion and re-export to the rest of the world. Bon appetite INTRODUCTION & HISTORY OF PIZZA HUT In 1958, crude(a) and Dan Carney had an idea for a great local pizza restaurant in Wichita Kansas.The sm every last(predicate) 25 initiate restaurant only had room for 9 letters on the sign the building looked like a hut so pizza pie Hut was born Fifteen years later, we generateed the commencement exercise base UK restaurant and since then weve become the biggest Pizza Company on the planet, Let see listen Pizza Hut Story from them 1958 Frank and Dan Carney open the first Pizza Hut in Wichita, Kansas. 1972 1000 restaurants are open throu ghout the USA. 1973 Pizza Hut went international with restaurants in Japan, Canada & England. The first UK Pizza Hut opened in Islington, London.1977 PepsiCo bought Pizza Hut. 1980 Pan Pizza was posed. 1982 The UK joint venture started between PepsiCo and Whitbread. 1984 Over 50 restaurants so out-of-the-way(prenominal) in the UK. 1986 By now, at that place were 100 restaurants in the UK and 5000 worldwide. 1987 An average of one restaurant opened apiece week in the UK. 1988 The UKs First Delivery Unit was opened in Kingsbury, London. 1992 There were 9,000 restaurants in 84 countries. 1993 There were 300 restaurants and economy stores in the UK. 1994 10,000 Pizza Huts were open for business. 1997 PepsiCo decided to focus on their drinks business.As a result, Tricon Global Restaurants was born, creating the largest restaurant brand in the World. Tricon became the partner company with Whitbread. 1999 Pizza Hut had over 400 restaurants, employing 14000 people. 2002 Tricon Global b ecame YUM Brands Inc. 2006 Whitbread sold their parcel of the joint venture to Yum Brands Inc. Pizza Hut UK Ltd was now 100% owned by Yum 2008 We bought Godfathers Pizza in Ireland with 28 stores. pioneer of precaution Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan varlet 5 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut Pizza Huts Mission Statement.We hit pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time all the time. every(prenominal) customer says, Ill be back We are the employer of choice fling team members opportunities For Growth, Advancement, And Rewarding Careers in a Fun, Safe Working Environment. P. E. A. R. L. S ? PASSION for excellence in Doing everything ? EXECUTE with positive energy and urgency. ? ACCOUNTABLE for growth in customer satisfaction and profitability. ? RECOGNIZE the feat of others and have fun doing it. ? LISTEN and more importantly, respond to the voice of the customer.Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 6 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut COMPARATIVE STRATEGY This forced competitors to look for raw methods of change magnitude their customer bases. Many pizza chains decided to diversify and offer untested nonpizza items such as Buffalo wings, and Italian cheese bread. The current trend in pizza chains at once is the same. They all try to come up with some soreer, bigger, dampen, pizza for a low monetary value. Offering special promotions and new pizza variations are popular today as well.For example, chicken is now a common overstep found on pizzas. In the past, Pizza Hut has always had the first mover advantage. Their grocery storeing dodging in the past has always been to be first. adept of their main(prenominal) strategies that they still follow today is the diversification of the products they offer. Pizza Hut is always adding something new to their menu, trying to reach new foodstuffs. For example, in 1992 the famous replication was launched in Pizza Hut restau rants worldwide. They were trying to offer many different food items for customers who didnt necessarily want pizza.Another schema they used in the past and are still using is the diversification of their pizzas. Pizza Hut is always trying to come up with some innovative way to require a pizza into something slightly different different enough that customers leave behind think its a whole new product. For example, lets look at some of the pizzas Pizza Hut has marketed in the past. In 1983, Pizza Hut introduced their Pan Pizza, which had a guarantee of being ready to eat in 5 minutes when dining at Pizza Hut restaurants. In 1993, they introduced the Bigfoot, which was two square feet of pizza cut into 21 slices.In 1995, they introduced Stuffed Crust Pizza, where the crust would be filled with cheese. In 1997, they marketed The Edge, which had cheese and toppings all the way to the edge of the pizza. Currently, they are marketing The Big bare-ass Yorker, trying to bring the fam ous New York ardor pizza to the whole country. Lastly, Pizza Hut has always valued customer service and satisfaction. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs a UAN (in USA 1-800) number customer hotline and a customer call-back program. These were implemented to limit sure their customers were happy, and always wanted to return.In our plan, we volition first deem a situation analysis of current and relevant environmental conditions that affect our plan. Next, we will give a brief analysis of the current fast food industry, and any trends or changes that might pass on in the future. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 7 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 8 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut ENVIRONMENTAL AND INTERNAL compendium OF PIZZA HUT In our visit to Pizza Hut we conducted research on PEST (Political, Economic, sociable and Technological) Analysis.In the i nternal analysis of Pizza Hut we have considered elevate of the Company. PEST (Political, Economic, Social & Technological) i. policy-making ISSUES Political issues include regulatory frame work operating in judicial system which whitethorn affect the business in different ways. There are not many political factors in Peshawar affecting Pizza Hut as is lack of argument. Factors such as laws on business employment, contaminant and taxation apply on the organization which it has to follow regarding the rules. ii. ECNOMIC FACTORSIf the countys economy is better so the gross domestic product of the country will be broad(a), this is a green signal for the business as the per capita income of the people will be cast upd and they will spend more money. In our survey we came to know that most of the people in the beginning of the months spend more and they visit pizza hut very often. When the inflation rate adjoins the speak to of raw material to a fault adjoins and this leads towa rds high prices of the products and vice versa. iii. SOCIAL FACTORS Pizza hut is a multinational and it is basically originated from America so the organization is overwhelmed by western culture.There are tender forms of society which consist of Upper class, middle class, middle upper class, lower class and lower class. Every country has cultural norms, values, beliefs and religion which back affect the organization. iv. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Now a days technology is improving so as baking and heating ovens will be of new and businesslike technology and will provide efficient service. Due to new technology there are new ways of marketing like internet telemarketing and the organization potentiometer buoy advertise their products with much more faster pace.Computer based customer data that is MIS (managing information system) helps in collecting customer data, unremarkable transactions, future forecasting and decision making. New vehicles will make for their service more effic ient. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 9 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut SWOT ANALYSIS Every organization has its strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats. So, the SWOT analysis for pizza hut is as under Strengths Pizza Hut is the market leader in providing different products of pizzas as there are no competitors in this sector.There good image makes the organization more strong. Pizza Hut is providing good taste, tone products with qualified lag, good ambience and hygienic environment. They are specialized in pizzas. Motivation take of staff is very high which make the organization more prosperous. They are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified. They have enough resources for operating different activities of the organization. They are providing exhaust home delivery service. They have created monopoly in this sector.Another big Strength and even a emulous Advantageis the fact that they have a full service restaurant as we ll as delivery services. Most of Pizza Huts competitors do not have restaurants. Because of the restaurant, Pizza Hut mess market too many different segments that other pizza chains dischargenot. For example, Pizza Hut can market to families much easier than half masks or Little Caesars. Weaknesses However, the fact that Pizza Hut does have a restaurant to run is also a weakness. Pizza Hut has higher(prenominal) budget items costs, delinquent to the restaurant that other competitors dont have to deal with.Another result of higher overhead costs is higher prices Pizza Hut must show. Obviously, Pizza Hut is not the low cost producer. They rely on their flavour pizza and good service to account for their higher prices. They are providing less range of products comparatively with high prices. They are more focused on Western taste instead of Eastern. Opportunities New markets can be explored and new opportunities they can absorb. Pizza Hut can come up with the new products consi dering the Eastern taste of the people as like McDonalds. Diversification of new products can increase their market share.They can reduce their prices because of more resources. Threats Pizza Huts number one threats are from their competitors. Currently, Their closest competitor is eye masks Pizza who is working to open their Branch at Karachi. Dominos main matched advantage over Pizza Hut is their Lower price. ii. Little Caesars who is establishing their self in India and might move to i. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 10 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut Pakistan is another one of Pizza Huts competitors, right behind Dominos in market share.Little Caesars is famous for offering large quantities of pizza for less money. iii. New entrance like Dominos pizza in Pakistan market can affect their market share. iv. Other local restaurants can affect their market share by providing pizzas with lower price. v. Social factors can affect their image as a Western organization. SEGMENTATION Main segments which Pizza hut has captured are the combination of higher incomes and dual career families , due to higher income consumer have more disposable income , allowing them to eat out more often.Pizza Hut holds the most market share in the Pizza industry, the perceived feel and service of the company will help to ensure a better the average fortune at a successful introduction of a new product. The introduction of a product that keeps with today trends is also important to reduce the risk of failure. Pizza Hut utmost market segment is young generations. These generation ranges from 12 to 30, the overall outlay of these generations is largely on non essential items, the higher amount of spending has been done on eating out.POSITIONING Pizza Hut was among the first multinational brands to enter the food retail sector in Pakistan. When the first Pizza Hut restaurant opened in Karachi the mobile service industry was at a nascent stage and the pizza category was dominated by a sole regional calculateer who had a marginal presence. Pizza Hut went on to play a significant role in pioneering and developing this category in Pakistan. Worldwide and in Pakistan, Pizza Hut has come to become synonymous with the exceed pizzas under one roof.This is because at Pizza Hut the belief is that every pizza has its own magic, thus making it a destination product which everyone seeks. It is this belief that has ignited the passion to create, innovate and serve the finest product the industry has to offer, plot setting standards for others to touch to replicate. Pizza Hut is committed to providing uncompromising product smell, offering customers the highest value for money and giving service that is warm, friendly and personal. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 11 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut.A scathing factor in Pizza Huts success has been its unique dining experience. Crew members at Pizza Hut strive each day to provide CUSTOMER MANIA the kind of service that ensures that every visit of the customer is a memorable one. Pizza Huts constant enterprisingness to provide extra value whether it is pizzas which are available to suit every price range, new promotions or the introduction of innovative product ranges that puts a Yum on every customers face has allowed it to increase its presence in Pakistan to the current 38 restaurants across 9 cities.Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 12 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut Market Targeting Pizza hut targeted market defines them as a family product. This is because they dont really directly market their customers. They are target everyone whereas their competitors target a authoritative gender or age. But pizza hut targets a wide range of customers. This is because they want to make the most money and who blames them. They have many competitors and they are bound to try everything to cope up tops. Their competitors are everywhere.There are just a few that are main competitors and pizza hut will always try to be the best and get the most money by making their products better quality faultlessly also cheaper. They try to offer something different with their product as well. They offer a range of stuffed crusts to try and pluck customers. They also do vegetarian options with meet free pizzas and a salad and pasta bar. not a lot of restaurants offer a salad and a pasta bar. This is another competitive idea to attract or customers. STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY PIZZA HUTA businesss strategy is the kind of decisions and actions that are taken by the business to achieve its goals. A business has a variety of goals and objectives. every(prenominal) businesses need to organize their business activities in order to achieve their business objectives. Running a business involves planning the current as well as future activities. Hence, in order to achieve the business objecti ves, all business organizations adopt different strategies. Similarly, Pizza Hut has adopted many strategies which help achieve the targets set by the main office to the local store opened at Peshawar.Changes are the external as well as internal environment has led Pizza Hut rethink their past strategies and has therefore designed new strategies after noticing the changes in the environment. These environmental changes are seen through the PEST and SWOT analysis. After considering all the factors Pizza Hut has decided upon the strategies and their current strategies are divided into five main categories and further have sub-parts. These strategies are Functional Strategies These are strategies designed to improve the efficiency of a businesss operations.They often focus on an force field, such as marketing, human resource etc. every business organizations adopt strategies at functional level as once the functional objectives are achieved, corporal objectives become easy. In ord er to make the functional strategy efficient, Pizza Hut has do all the functional departments co-operate with each other. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 13 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut Total Quality Management (TQM) This is the most important for a food chain like Pizza Hut. All the employees backof-the-house i. e. the kitchen assistants are trained jibely.They are given extra classes in order to meet the quality standards set by Pizza Hut around the world. This strategy is important in order to live up to the CHAMPS. This strategy is strictly implemented in Pizza Hut in order to fulfill the quality standards. assorted quality management staff is also there at Pizza Hut. The shift managers have the task to observe whether the quality standards are met or not, whereas there are a total quality management department at the main office in Karachi. This department has the task to implement quality standards and know whether they are achieved or not.Business Level dodging Business level strategies are plans made to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals in a market. Hence, all the businesses need to adopt business level strategies in order to compete in a competitive environment. If we take a look at the Pakistani market, there are no large competitors of Pizza Hut but unlimited small competitors exist in the market. The threat of competitors is very low as there is no international food chain offering pizza in Pakistan at present. Therefore, present strategies adopted by Pizza Hut are keeping in consideration the present competition.Whereas, in future this competition will increase and Pizza Hut will have to change all its business level strategies in order to compete with its rivals. In very near future Dominos is opening its first branch in Karachi. This would be a threat for Pizza Hut and hence, the strategies would be changed. Pricing Strategy The level of competition a business faces determines its pricing strategy. Sometimes a business has the scope to set its price and sometimes a business cannot. When a business has the scope to set its price there is a number of pricing strategies or policies it might choose.As there are no such competitors of Pizza Hut which could compete with the quality of pizza produced at Pizza Hut, therefore, the pricing strategy adopted by Pizza Hut is market skimming. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strategy as they want to hold maximum share of the market by maximum profit. This is a comfortable era for Pizza Hut, as there are no competitors and hence, Pizza Hut is free to charge any price they want. They are charging higher prices due to the uniqueness of the product. They satisfy the target market as the food quality is deserving the price paid.The pricing strategy is not just to get the worth Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 14 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut of quality but also to gain maximum profits before any competitor enters because then Pizza Hut will have to change its pricing strategy. Although the prices would be lowered with the new entrants in the market but not to a greater extent as the quality food products are not home-produced. They are imported from different countries keeping in view the best quality. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 15 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza HutMarket Share As there are tons of Pizza Suppliers Globally Providing Services in different part of the World, but Pizza Hut is the One who got the Bigger Market Share Globally. This is the Survey taken by www. survey. com that Pizza Hut is having 48% of overall Pizza Market in the World. After that Dominos is leading with a percentage of 20% while the rest 32% is divided in the Remaining Pizza Providers Globally. MARKET SHARE OTHERS 32% PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT 48% DOMINOS OTHERS DOMINOS 20% Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 16 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut FOUR PS OF MARKETING.PRODUCT Product refers to the actual program you are planning. The goal of pizza hut is to develop the best product with the resources available. Pizza Hut sells pizzas in four different sizes personal (an individual serving), small, medium and large, though most stores have done away from with the small size. A variety of toppings are available, plus peculiarity styles, including Meat Lovers, Pepperoni Lovers, Cheese Lovers, Veggie Lovers, Double Cheeseburger, Supreme, Super Supreme and the newly introduced Pizza Mia.The pan pizza has a thicker crust than most other commercially available pizzas .so their products have help them to retain their customers and to increase them . they provide their customers with complete nutrition plan and healthy food is guaranteed. The nutrition plan also clear tells diabetes patients can use what range of food at pizza hut. Over weight patients are also satisfied and the pizza with less cholesterol ca n be ordered.This encourages the customers to visit pizza hut sooner than going elsewhere. As pizza hut has to boost its sales in the existing markets, so they the new food products are introduced in all branches line-byline because all branches are operated in co-operation with one another. different products for different regions are also developed as there are choice differences. Pizza hut offers a long list of products and never afraid to offer new products like in Peshawar according to market they introduce the very first Chapli Kabab Pizza which was very healthy product by Pizza hut in this region. There are a lot many products according to different geographical places. Like in India they have got there vegetable pizzas, which has a large market there and not the Cow Meat Pizza. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 17 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut.PRICE . As there are no such competitors of Pizza Hut which could compete with the quality of pizza produced at Pizza Hut, therefore, the pricing strategy adopted by Pizza Hut is market skimming. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strategy as they want to hold maximum share of the market by maximum profit. This is a golden era for Pizza Hut, as there are no competitors and hence, Pizza Hut is free to charge any price they want. They are charging higher prices due to the uniqueness of the product. They satisfy the target market as the food quality is worth the price paid.The pricing strategy is not just to get the worth of quality but also to gain maximum profits before any competitor enters because then Pizza Hut will have to change its pricing strategy. Although the prices would be lowered with the new entrants in the market but not to a greater extent as the quality food products are not home-produced. They are imported from different countries keeping in view the best quality. First, this pricing strategy will help segment the market. Different groups of customers are wi lling to pay different prices for the same product.The high/low pricing strategy will also create excitement. The pricing strategy adopted by Pizza Hut is market skimming. Pizza Hut has adopted this pricing strategy as they want to hold maximum share of the market by maximum profit. This product will emphasize product and service quality stick/DISTRIBUTION It refers to the best place to offer program. That is the place where it is located and through what enchants are we distributing programs and the competitive advantage lies in distribution. The pizza hut Peshawar is situated out of the market area near legions Stadium and Shami road.This site has been chosen keeping in view the following factors. It is in an out of centre location on retail or Leisure Park with good parking accessibility. Secondly the catchment area is of a specified minimum size and within a given drive time to the site. dispersal The type of distribution channel used by Pizza Hut is the direct channel. The direct channel is successful when there is an extremely large market that is geographically dispersed. The direct channel is also useful when there are a large number of buyers, but a small amount purchased by each.Pizza Hut uses three different methods of selling its products directly to the market. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 18 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut i. The first method of distribution used by Pizza Hut is Home. Office delivery. Customers can call Pizza Hut ahead of time, place an order, and the order is delivered to the customers home. can go to the nearest Pizza Hut, place an order and either leave with the order or eat at the restaurant. One of Pizza Huts largest competitive advantages is its restaurant style facility.Pizza Hut offers a clean place to sit down and enjoy the variety of pizzas, salads, and sandwiches in a fun, family atmosphere. ii. Another method of distribution is for customers to dine-in. Customers iii. The t hird method of distribution is to order Online. Selective County Customers can now go on the Internet and place an order for Pizza. This method is useful because it allows customers to view the entire menu, download any special coupons, and order without having to disclose any credit card numbers. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 19 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut PROMOTIONThe objectives of promotion are to introduce a new product, stimulate demand, change the short-term behavior of the customers, and encourage repeat or greater usage by current customers. Pizza hut uses many promotional strategies. The main promotion is a coupon to purchase. This promotion is also distributed mainly by mail, but also by fliers on college campuses around the country in order to reach the target market. They are using billboards on main sprout places to get there customer. They are also distributing door to door brochures to capture more and more customers. Pizza huts also using marketing techniques.These are the strategies Pizza hut is using for its marketing. Pizza huts trys to attract the younger generation as their main market segment. Apart from this Pizza Hut is using intense marketing strategies they are also giving ads in magazines. Advertising camping will creates sense of the products in our target markets. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 20 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza Hut CONCLUSION Pizza Hut has many targets which it has achieve in a given period of time. The time-period is mostly a year. Therefore, in order to fulfill the targets different strategies are adopted by Pizza Hut.It can be concluded that these strategies have been successful and there is flexibility in the strategies, as they can be changed with the changes in the market conditions as well as the targets. Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan Page 21 Report and Marketing Strategies of Pizza HutREFERENCES Mr. Amir Zeb, Shift Manager, Pizza Hut, Peshawar Mr. Hamad Zeb, Shift Manger, Pizza Hut, Peshawar Lower staff of Pizza Hut, Peshawar Google Search Engine www. definitions. com www. answers. com www. about. com www. wikipedia. org www. pizzahut. com Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar Pakistan.
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